About The Show

Bettering the world one attitude at a time. 

I am your host, Wilk Wilkinson. Your blue-collar sage, calming outrage and helping to navigate a world divided by FOG, & those who spread that fear, outrage, and grievance. Each week I’m sharing stories from my path & using the power of conversation and collaboration with great guests. Together, we chart a course toward understanding, bridging divides, and fostering a community where wisdom prevails over discord.

Friends, it really is about bettering the world, one attitude at a time. We did not create the hate, but together we can Derate The Hate. The only good thing about a bad attitude is we have the ability as individuals to change it. For me, it starts with gratitude and personal accountability. I am so incredibly grateful you’ve decided to stop by!

About your host, Wilk Wilkinson:

Wilk Wilkinson is a devoted husband, a loving father, a steadfast Christian conservative, and the insightful host of the "Derate The Hate" podcast. His journey through life has been marked by resilience, introspection, and a commitment to learning from his mistakes.

Growing up in humble beginnings in rural towns across the upper Midwest, Wilk started working at the tender age of 10 to provide for himself the things his parents couldn't afford. Despite the challenges of frequent moves and relentless bullying during his early formative years, Wilk emerged with valuable lessons on resilience and empathy.

Through his podcast and personal experiences, Wilk shares candidly about the power of personal accountability, gratitude, and civility. He firmly believes that our reactions to life's challenges define us more than the challenges themselves. In his view, civility entails recognizing the humanity in everyone, regardless of our differences, our differing opinions, and/or backgrounds.

Wilk's journey from adversity to success in his career, marriage, and parenting exemplifies the transformative power of perseverance and self-improvement. His podcast, as well as his work as a volunteer leader with the grass-roots organization, Braver Angels, serves as a beacon of hope and guidance for those navigating their own paths, offering practical tips and tools for positive change.

Wilk Wilkinson is not just a podcaster but a mentor, inspiring others to embrace personal growth, cultivate gratitude, and approach life's hurdles with grace and understanding. Wilk is honored to be a member of the Board of Advisors at the Prohuman foundation.


If you find something of value on our site or in an episode, please subscribe and share the DTH podcast with your network of friends. If you want to support the show, check out the donate &/or the Support Us page on this website. 

Take a listen and see if there is something here to help you in taking your part in turning down the hate. 

Welcome to the Derate The Hate Podcast!

*The views expressed by Wilk, his guest hosts &/or guests on the Derate The Hate podcast are their own and should not be attributed to any organization they may otherwise be affiliated with.