Guest hosted by Julian Adorney

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Wednesday, October 2, 2024 Anger and Hate Are Rooted in Fear, The Cure is Found in LOVE... DTH Episode 231 with Guest Host Julian Adorney and Jamie Winship

Anger and Hate Are Rooted in Fear, The Cure is Found In LOVE...Friends, I’m prepping and traveling this week for another speaking engagement, so I’m h...

Wednesday, May 15, 2024 Is a Civil "Is God Real?" Conversation Possible? ... DTH Episode 211 with Guest Host Julian Adorney and guests Angel Eduardo and Cassie Kimbriel

Is a Civil "Is God Real?" Conversation Possible? In this episode of the Derate the Hate podcast, guest host, Julian Adorney, moderates a conversation ...

Wednesday, March 27, 2024 How To Detox From Toxic Political Polarization... DTH Episode 204 with Julian Adorney and Peter T. Coleman

How To Detox From Toxic Political PolarizationIn this episode, Columbia Prof. of psychology Peter Coleman joins Julian Adorney to discuss the concept ...

Wednesday, February 28, 2024 A DEI Conversation With More Curiosity And Less Contention... DTH Episode 200 with Julian Adorney and Abby Benedetto

A DEI Conversation With More Curiosity And Less ContentionIn this episode, guest host Julian Adorney invites Abby Benedetto of for the...

Wednesday, January 31, 2024 The Soul of Civility... DTH Episode 196 book discussion Guest Host Julian Adorney with Alexandra Hudson

The Soul of Civility; Book discussion with Alexandra HudsonIn this episode, guest host Julian Adorney is joined by guest Alexandra Hudson to discuss h...

Wednesday, January 3, 2024 Time For A Depolarization "Manhattan Project"? DTH Episode 192 with Guest host Julian Adorney and Daniel F. Stone

Time For A Depolarization "Manhattan Project"?In a conversation I was having with friend John Wood Jr.  of Braver Angels, he said and I ofte...

Wednesday, December 20, 2023 Can Christians and Atheists Get Along? DTH Episode 190 guest host Julian Adorney and Angel Eduardo

Can Christians and Atheists Get Along?Christians and Atheists often face roadblocks in understanding and accepting each other due to deeply ingrained ...

Wednesday, December 13, 2023 Getting Below The Surface of Toxic Polarization... DTH Episode 189 with guest host Julian Adorney & Mark Johnson

Getting Below The Surface of Toxic PolarizationHuman evolution in perspectives is a dynamic process shaped by experiences, education, and self-reflect...


on 4/28/2024

Change can only happen one person at a time, and this show certainly helps me improve my mindset. Was thrilled to be a guest, and so impressed with Wilk and his mission to make the world a better plac...

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on 3/1/2024

Wilk has done something incredible with this show of bringing together some of the smartest guests from across the world to talk about how we can Derate The Hate.

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on 2/7/2024

It's empowering to know that one person can make a difference in the world by choosing gratitude and personal accountability. We can "be the change" in the world.

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on 9/20/2023

Wilk never fails to bring interesting topics and stellar guest to share conversations about the important issues facing our Nation and World. I especially love his dedication to BRAVER ANGELS and his...

on 5/29/2023

So much would be solved if we could rein in the out of control political polarization. Wilk is personable and natural as a Podcaster. Easy subscribe!

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on 2/19/2023

It was a phenomenal interview! Wilk and l were on the same page from beginning to end. We were like old friends sharing a bittersweet journey that left us both as VICTORIOUS SURVIVORS OF BULLYING!

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on 2/4/2023

I am honored to be a guest of his podcast recently. Wilk brings out wisdom from his own journey and using his podcast episodes/shows to make the communities and world better place for individuals, fam...

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on 1/24/2023

Wilk cares a lot about bringing value to his listeners and encouraging them to take personal responsibility for their life. He brings on guests that can give you new tools to chase after your dreams a...

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on 11/30/2022

Positive, refreshing podcast on what connects us not what separates us. Wilk is a great guy doing great interviews.

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on 10/15/2022

Profound truths with practical application. Deep genuine conversations. Wilk is authentic and thorough. Fresh perspectives!

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on 8/20/2022

There’s too much hate and negativity in the world today. Wilk brings a refreshing perspective of unity and civility that is so sorely needed in the world today!

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on 3/7/2022

Wilk comes from a different background than me and I appreciate hearing his podcast and guests and the viewpoints that they bring to difficult topics.

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on 10/23/2021

A child is not born with hate. Hate is a learned behavior. Thats why when I read the title and description of this show, I knew I needed to listen. These conversations are the ones we need to have to ...

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on 10/23/2021

So great to have the spotlight on positive attitudes! Derate the hate indeed!

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on 10/20/2021

This show is timely and needed. The world needs more love not hate

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on 9/5/2021

I discovered Wilk and DERATE THE HATE as a fellow Member of BRAVER ANGELS. I am SO glad that I did! His upbeat and positive music intro uplifts heart and mind to receive Wilk’s message and the wisdom ...

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