
Show Notes

How do we get to the why?
Far too often, people enter a conversation, or worse yet, enter an argument with someone that they disagree, and never ask the most important question. Understanding the other person's why will always make for a better conversation or more effective argument, whether you end up agreeing or not. Communication is about leading a more fulfilling life, therefore being a better communicator leads to a more fulfilling life. Better communication often begins with the question, How do we get to the why?

Who is Brenden Kumarasamy and what is Master Talks?

Brenden Kumarasamy is all about helping people become better communicators. Brenden has acquired nearly 30,000 followers on his YouTube Channel by doing just that.  After coaching many business students on how to give amazing presentations for a couple years, Brenden quickly realized that public speaking is a very difficult subject to master. There are many nuances and generalities that make people afraid to get on stage and present confidently. Because of this, Brenden created his Master Talk channel to help others master even the slightest details of their pitch so that they can gain the confidence to deliver the best presentation they've ever dreamed of! 

What have you done today to make your life a better life? What have you done today to make the world a better place? The world is a better place if we are better people. That begins with each of us leading a better life. Be kind to one another. Be grateful for everything you’ve got. Make each and every day the day that you want it to be!

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