
Show Notes

As many of the regular listeners know, I love organizations that are all about bringing people together, promoting unity and community while also recognizing that we are all individuals with our own thoughts and ideas. This is why I truly adore and respect organizations like FAIR (Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism), Braver Angels and so many others that I have highlighted on the podcast. My friend Rick of Braver Angels recently introduced me Dan Garscia who is a spokesperson for the local Twin Cities chapter of FAIR.

The conversation in this episode was not originally meant to be one for broadcast, but just an introductory conversation between Dan and myself to find out more about FAIR Twin Cities. During the conversation, things were clicking with incredible synergy, so Dan and I decided this would be something of value to the DTH listeners. I have once again found a great collaborator for the Derate the Hate podcast in my new friend Dan Garscia of FAIR Twin Cities. Share this episode with your network, and more importantly, seek out and get involved with local chapters of great organizations like FAIR, Braver Angels and so many others doing great work to bring people together...

Dan Garscia of FAIR Twin Cities

Dan lives in Maplewood, Minnesota with his wife and two spirited children. Dan has been active in his community for over a decade, starting when he first noticed that the freedoms he values so highly were beginning to erode. Dan joined FAIR because, as a partner in an interracial marriage, and father of bi-racial children, Critical Race Theory threatens the values and principles he and his wife have worked so hard to instill in their children. Dan has witnessed firsthand the damage that CRT can cause young minds, and is willing to do whatever he can to help bring the focus back to the “content of character” approach that treats all humans with equal dignity.

What have you done today to make your life a better life? What have you done today to make the world a better place? The world is a better place if we are better people, and that begins with each of us leading a better life. Be kind to one another, be grateful for everything you’ve got, and make each and every day the day that you want it to be!

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