
Show Notes

I recently read that a Gallup poll revealed that a record low number of Americans now believe in God. As I look around at all those that seem to be drifting through life like a ship without a rudder, it really comes as no surprise. It is very disheartening, but comes as no surprise. Is there answers to this age of outrage we're living through in the reality that people are losing their faith?

How does loss of faith relate to Hate and Anger?
I have often heard it said that those who are strong in their faith in God are happier than those who are not. This may be an answer as to why we are seeing acts of outrage increasing while the number of Americans who believe in God are decreasing.

How do we draw closer to God the creator?
This week's guest, Paul Rakowicz, provided some great insight into his thoughts on this topic. Paul is a fellow podcaster (The Created Order Podcast), pastor, author and Spiritual Fitness Christian Life Coach.
Paul has been studying and reading the Bible for over 30 years. With that experience came the passion to help fellow Christians.
Driven by that passion, Paul developed the Essential Spiritual Fitness Program, the simple yet proven method to help every Christian go beyond "mere salvation" into the fullness of the Kingdom.
Outside of helping disciples of Christ actively apply His teachings, Paul continues his career in the business world leading high performance teams. All the while, raising his family and writing books on our faith and its practical application in the real world.

Topics of discussion:

  • Is there salvation through faith alone?
  • What is our duty to God?
  • What is the importance of Free Will?
  • What is Poverty of Spirit?
  • What is "dispassion" and the logical falacy?

Do not miss this powerful conversation and please visit Paul's site for a number of  incredible  spiritual fitness resources!

What have you done today to make your life a better life? What have you done today to make the world a better place? The world is a better place if we are better people, and that begins with each of us leading a better life. Be kind to one another, be grateful for everything you’ve got, and make each and every day the day that you want it to be!

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