
Show Notes

Welcome back my friends for episode 34 of the Derate The Hate podcast! In this week's episode I just did a free flowing stream of consciousness about different things that people are passionate about and how we seem to be holding those things against each other a lot more in these turbulent times.

My thing is and always has been liberty, for others it's health, for some it's money or career. What's your thing? It's not hard for me to understand how someone can have great concern for their health, but to surrender liberty in the name of health is a concept I cannot get my mind around. I dive in to this and a lot more in this week's episode.

The feel good story in this episode comes out of Holly Hill, FL. This is a great little story I found in the US News & World report about 91 year old Lois Carter of Holly Hill who took her hobby of knitting and sewing and did something very special for some unsuspecting youngsters all the way up in South Dakota! Finding herself locked away at home with little to do during the pandemic, Miss Lois decided to use her talents and has made over 200 hats since January and has sent them to the St. Joseph Indian School in Chamberlain, SD. You can get the story about Lois Carter's special gifts in the US News article here.

I absolutely love hearing stories about ordinary people doing extraordinary things. If you see a story you believe I would like to read, email it to me at wilk@wilksworld.com. If I use the story you sent in an episode, I'll send you a free gift compliments of the Derate The Hate podcast!

As I do every week, I ask you, “what have you done today to make your life a better life?, what have you done today to make the world a better place?” The world is a better place if we are better people, and that begins with each of us leading a better life. Be kind to one another, be grateful for everything you’ve got, and make each and every day the day that you want it to be!

Please follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and subscribe to us wherever you enjoy your audio. Send me a message on any media platform and leave us a review. Let us know about your local feel good stories and if I use it on our podcast I’ll send you a free gift!   

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