
Show Notes

Have you ever asked yourself, "Why don't more Muslims stand up to Islamic Extremists?" Have you ever heard of Average Mohamed? Mohamed Ahmed is the creator and executive director of AverageMohamed.com and through his outreach and grass roots efforts, he is truly battling extremism with an alternative narrative.

What is Average Mohamed? Who better to tell you than Average Mohamed himself, Mohamed Ahmed. This week's interview gives you a great insight in to what Mohamed does with his counter ideology organization dedicated to stopping extremism and hate. Average Mohamed uses pop culture, social media platforms like Facebook & YouTube, as well as other mediums to promote peace, democracy and anti-extremism. His outreach has put him in front of tens of thousands of youths across America and his videos have been seen millions of times worldwide.

Average Mohamed is not only about battling Islamic Extremism, but extremism of any kind. In our conversation he told me how Average Mohamed is teaming up with Parents for Peace, an organization that supports families, friends and communities concerned about their loved ones becoming involved in extremism. Parents For Peace is a non-governmental public health nonprofit empowering families, friends, and communities to prevent radicalization, violence, and extremism. Are you worried that you or a loved one is going down the path of extremism? If so, Parents for Peace has a hotline you can call 1-844-49-PEACE

Each week that I don't have an interview, I like to highlight ordinary people doing extraordinary things. I truly have to say, and it should go without saying, that Mohamed Ahmed is one such person that needs to be highlighted. Such a very important mission, and I am truly grateful for having had the opportunity to sit down and speak with Mohamed.

As I do every week, I ask you, “what have you done today to make your life a better life? What have you done today to make the world a better place?” The world is a better place if we are better people, and that begins with each of us leading a better life. Be kind to one another, be grateful for everything you’ve got, and make each and every day the day that you want it to be!

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