
Show Notes

Do you ever find yourself having a hard time finding things to be grateful for? When you do find something to be grateful for, do you write it down so you'll remember it later? Have you ever heard of the Gratitude Finder Journal created by Denise Albright and found at DeniseAlbright.com?

As anyone who knows me, or that has listened to the Derate The Hate podcast for any amount of time knows, I truly believe happiness begins and ends with gratitude. I don't believe it is possible to be a happy person if you are not a grateful person. This past year, my wife purchased the Gratitude Finder from DeniseAlbright.com, not only for herself but for many people as gifts for this past Christmas. After having a look at this product, I knew Denise was someone I wanted to talk to more and share that with my listeners.

In this episode, I am joined by Denise Albright, founder and "She-E-O" of DeniseAlbright.com and creator of the Gratitude Finder journal. When you look at the cover of this journal, there is a phrase on there, "Look for something Great, & you'll always find it!" and in requesting this interview I found someone great in Denise. Her bright and cheerful organizational stationary products are doing great things for many and it was a true pleasure to have the opportunity to speak with her.

Not only is the story of how Denise built her company inspiring, but in this episode we also discuss in our conversation a number of examples on how the Gratitude Finder Journal has been used in creative ways to help others find things to be grateful in their own lives. Look for some great and important highlights in the interview on how the Gratitude Finder is being used beginning around the 28 minute mark. This is definitely a part of this episode that made it all worth while.

Make no mistake about it, the products you will find at DeniseAlbright.com can in so many ways make your life a better life, and as such, make the world a better place. Again, I cannot over-emphasize how important gratitude is in having a happy and meaningful life. With that said, there are many free downloads that can be found at Denise's site that make visiting the site worth the time alone. Also, Denise has been gracious enough to provide a promo code for the DTH listeners that will be good for the months of April & May 2021 so you surely don't want to miss out on that. The promo code to use at checkout will be: DTH21... Don't miss this feel good episode, and be sure to share with your friends.

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