
Show Notes

How big of a problem is Human Trafficking in the United States today? 
If you are anything like me, you probably know it's happening but don't give much thought to how big of an issue it really is. After this interview with Amy Storer, I now realize it is a much more prevalent evil among us than I ever would have guessed.
Parents, this is definitely an episode of the Derate the Hate podcast you should not miss, and you're going to want to share it with every parent you know!
Have you ever stopped to think, What are some of the consequences that the Covid Lockdowns pose for our children? This is another question that comes up in this week's interview.

Are your children safe online? Is my child safe online?
There are many things the internet is good for, but it is not a good place for kids according to this week's interview guest, Amy Storer.
Who is Amy Storer?
Full bio below...
Amy Storer is an Analyst for Homeland Security Investigations in Miami, Florida, currently assigned to the Joint Intelligence Operations Center.  Previously, Storer worked at Washington D.C. Headquarters, with collective national security experience at the National Targeting Center; the Tactical Intelligence Cell; the National Intelligence Watch, and the Office of the White House Liaison.  Storer also served as a Congressional Liaison representing Homeland Security on legislative efforts to abet the Homeland mission.  Her work is victim-centered with human slavery and child exploitation cases in prime focus.  

Ms. Storer holds two master’s degrees from Harvard University and Johns Hopkins University.  Serving as a devoted Professor at Savannah State University since age 27, Storer has taught American Government, Homeland Security, and Human Trafficking courses.  Michigan Tech University honored Amy for the "Top 5 Alumni Under 35" event to inspire future generations.

Storer holds an active Top-Secret security clearance and takes pride in working joint task force investigations.  Maintaining active involvement with the National Child Protection Task Force is one of her top priorities.  Amy seeks to forge partnerships; gain critical technological advancement; and aggressively deliver justice, and liberty, for those held captive in the most horrific crimes against humanity. 

If you believe someone is in danger of human trafficking or child exploitation:
TEXT: 233733
with the words "info" if you have information or "help" if you're in danger

Contact Amy Storer directly via email:

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#humantrafficking #childexploitation

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