
Show Notes

As a father you often have to wonder, or may find yourself questioning, am I on the right path, am I doing what's right for my family, am I leaving the legacy a good father should? These questions are often a lot harder to answer for our military veterans for any number of reasons.  This week's guest,  Ben Killoy is a US Marine Corps veteran on a mission,  a mission to master leadership principles and use his passion for leadership to help dads understand who they are, develop their skills to overcome adversity, and to own their life choices to enable them to truly come home to their families.  This is done through his weekly Military Veteran Dad podcast and his daily The Business of Fatherhood podcast.

Who is Ben Killoy?
 Ben Killoy is a U.S. Marine Veteran turned blogger, life coach, speaker, and podcaster whose mission is to bring Military Veteran Dads home to their families. He resides in Janesville, WI, with his wife and three beautiful kids. Ben went through what most transitioning veterans go through, the feeling of needing to redefine their identity outside of the structure of the military and rediscovering your passion and purpose for life. A seminar changed it all for him and allowed him to discover his passion for leadership and helping other veterans and Dads be the best parents they can. Since that seminar he has been on a mission to master leadership principles and use his passion for leadership to help dads understand who they are, develop their skills to overcome adversity, and to own their life choices to enable them to truly come home to their families. Ben’s podcast combines his own insights into his unique experiences with the military and fatherhood, along with interviews and discussions with other thought-leaders from around the world. The fact that Ben’s insights are based on his personal experiences, and the experiences of the other veterans he interviews gives credibility to his understandings. Sharing both his successes and failures brings a more heart centered approach to his podcast, enabling a deeper connection to his audience. Ben is available for speaking engagements, both online and in person, and is more than happy to share his insights on other veteran’s podcasts.

Notable quote from Ben Killoy in this DTH episode:

What you do on this earth is important, what you leave behind is 10 times more important.
No amount of success outside the home can make up for a failure inside the home.

As I do every week, I ask you, “what have you done today to make your life a better life? What have you done today to make the world a better place?” The world is a better place if we are better people, and that begins with each of us leading a better life. Be kind to one another, be grateful for everything you’ve got, and make each and every day the day that you want it to be!

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