
Show Notes

"Don't buy your kids all the things you wished you had, teach your kids all the things you wish you'd known" ~author unknown
It's not the things you give or buy for your children that will make the difference, it's the lessons we teach and the time we spend that will be what matters.

This Father's day weekend I was reflecting on a number of things and a few different things stood out. I lost my father 11 years ago, but I was fortunate and blessed enough to have him in my life up until my mid 30s. Many children are not fortunate enough to have a father in their life at all. This is one of the major problems we face as a society. Much more of an issue than most of the nonsense we're lead to believe are the great problems we face today.

Being a father has been the greatest gift and honor of my lifetime and reading to my daughter daily is one of my great joys. I recently had a conversation with my wife about a book my daughter has me read to her all the time, several times a week in fact. The book is a different version of the classic lullaby "Hush Little Baby". This wonderful book was written by Sylvia Long. My daughter loves it and in this episode I speak about a very powerful lesson Sylvia Long has conveyed in her version of this classic.

Related/Mentioned Episodes of the Derate The Hate Podcast
Episode 42: 10 Lessons I will pass on to my children
Episode 44: Faith, Family and Education with Kendall Qualls
Episode 54: Raising Emotionally Intelligent Children with Stephanie Pinto
Episode 57: Bringing the Veteran Dad Home with Ben Killoy

What have you done today to make your life a better life? What have you done today to make the world a better place? The world is a better place if we are better people, and that begins with each of us leading a better life. Be kind to one another, be grateful for everything you’ve got, and make each and every day the day that you want it to be!

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