
Show Notes

Wilk here from WilksWorld.com for another edition of the Derate The Hate podcast.  This week we've seen terrible riots throughout the country as a result of the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, MN at the hands of a bad cop. Though race has not been established as a motive, local politicians, doing what politicians do, instantly made it about race and bad actors from all over began taking to the streets. Are all cops racist, do we suffer from institutional racism? The politicians and media would have you believe so, but the facts do not support that narrative. But the media and the politicians, in an effort to whip up emotions take it there immediately and now in Minneapolis alone we've seen well in excess of a billion dollars in damages, businesses and lives destroyed, and outside influences who couldn't care less about George Floyd are causing chaos all over the country. It has been my experience that there are bad actors in every walk of life, and the police are no exception. I do believe though that the vast majority of the approximately 850,000 law enforcement personnel in this country are good and are a very integral part of our civilized society.  It has also been my experience that the vast majority of people don't care about race, they just want to live their lives and see everyone get along. Race, to most people is not a determining factor in how they get along with each other in their  day to day lives, but politicians and the media are always on the quick to interject it into everything. Don't by the hype, 
Just be kind to each other, be grateful for everything you've got, and make each and every day the day that you want it to be!!

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