
Show Notes

Friends, I have talked about it time and time again on the DTH podcast, the victim mentality just produces more victimhood. This week's guest knows all to well what it's like to be a victim, be stuck in the warm waters of victimhood, and the results that brings. She is also one that knows how to pull herself out of that pool and become a warrior, and inspiration to others that no longer wish to  be a victim. Her story is truly one of adversity to awesomeness...

Barbara Allen
is someone who has more than a few reasons she could play the perpetual victim card, could be bitter at her country, and could wallow in the depths of pity, but that is not the path she has chosen. Instead, after periods of being both actively, and passively suicidal, and most certainly self-destructive after the murder of her husband by another soldier while deployed in Iraq, Barbara one day had enough of being "the victim". This is such a powerful and inspiring conversation with a true patriot that is doing incredible things to better the lives of others and the country she loves. DO NOT MISS THIS EPISODE!!

Quotes from Barbara Allen in this DTH episode:

"If you have the victim mentality, you'll continue to be victimized"
"What the hell has happened to this country? ... I didn't come through everything I've been through, my husband didn't give his life, my friends husbands and wives didn't give up their lives to let those who hate the country tear it down from the inside"

Details for "The Great American Summit"

Barbara Allen is an award winning author

What have you done today to make your life a better life? What have you done today to make the world a better place? The world is a better place if we are better people, and that begins with each of us leading a better life. Be kind to one another, be grateful for everything you’ve got, and make each and every day the day that you want it to be!

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