
Show Notes

Welcome back my friends to the Derate the Hate podcast.  I am Wilk from WilksWorld.com and in this episode I am talking about the importance of Delayed Gratification. In a world of smart phones, 24 hour news cycles, any type of entertainment available at any time with the touch of a button, we've become conditioned to expect everything at a moments notice and if we don't get it, we become frustrated and that frustration leads to a pattern of unhappiness. I give the example of growing up and waiting all week to sit on the floor with my cereal on Saturday morning and watching the cartoons, when we had a TV.  This is a stark contrast to the kids nowadays that have YouTube and 24 hour cartoon channels.  What do they really have to look forward to and can they really be happy without that sense of anticipation, (when it leads to something good they've been waiting for?).  I think not, and while a person can only be disappointed by their own expectations, as individuals, we must learn to turn down the expectations, step back and appreciate that many of the good things in life take time.
My garden, and the idea of growing food from seeds is the best example in my life that exemplifies the idea of delayed gratification.  At the time of this recording in mid-June, my garden is popping good, but requires much work and what keeps me going is knowing there will be large amounts of food for my family and I to enjoy in the coming year.
As I do each week, I like to feature a story that stands out to me as a feel good that contrasts all the doom and gloom stories that we see in most media.  This week a talk about a gentlemen from the suburbs of Detroit named Jamie Lince that fixes up old or beat up bicycles and gives them to random strangers in Detroit who look like they could benefit from a good bike.  He providing an example for his kids in which he want's his kids to do good for other people.  He's trying to pass along the mindset to his children that just because people's circumstances may be different, we should be doing good for all people. Like he says,   “I just smile, smile and say I’m just a guy who wants to show you somebody cares- somebody who’s different from you cares. It’s not all about race and color, and not everybody sees color and that’s the main thing I want to show my children. There may be differences in finances and what people have, but that’s as far as it goes. I don’t want my kids to see color or see the hurt and hate in the world and that’s one way I can show it to them. I don’t have money to give people, but I have time and bikes.” Check out the article about Jamie and his Ricky Baggy bikes hobby here.
As always, when you get a chance to get out among the people, be kind to each other, be grateful for everything you've got, and make each and every day the day that you want it to be!
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