
Show Notes

One of the greatest problems we face in the battle we are fighting against woke culture and the perpetual victim mentality is that not enough young people are getting involved in a meaningful way. Striving for a more meaningful and civil discourse among those who have differing thoughts and opinions is not particularly fun or exciting, for most people, especially those of the younger generation. That is one reason I was so excited when I was able to make contact with this week’s guest.

Who is Daniel Idfresne?
Daniel Idfresne is a first generation American whose parents immigrated here from Haiti. He lives in Brooklyn, NY and is a senior at Brooklyn Technical High School. Daniel began to notice a trend among his peers recently where they were denouncing their white privilege online, updating their bios with gender pronouns and posting links to all kinds of different social justice causes. Daniel wanted no part of such divisive things, as he’s a proponent of equality and pluralism. In school, Daniel noticed another trend where identity politics was becoming the norm. Classroom debates were dominated by a single point of view, and many would self-censor to avoid being demonized by those with the woke mob mentality. He’d had enough. 

Daniel did not want to live in a world focused on dividing us, or a world where people could not have honest discussions about what they thought. This is when Daniel found out about, and became involved with FAIR, (the Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism). This later prompted Daniel to form a club (FAIR at School), a genuine safe space, where students could feel free to discuss ideas in a way that didn’t just fit in to the typical social media posts.

I am honored to have as a guest on this week’s DTH podcast Daniel Idfresne to discuss a little bit about his background, the woke mob mentality and how FAIR at School is looking to make civil discourse fun for his generation. Daniel is a profound young thinker who’s been featured, whether in person or print in the NY Post, Fox News, Bari Weiss’ substack and more. Daniel has also recently been named a fellow at The Douglass Society. I hope you’ll give a listen and share this with your contacts to help energize and inspire more young people to become involved like Daniel.

What have you done today to make your life a better life? What have you done today to make the world a better place? The world is a better place if we are better people, and that begins with each of us leading a better life. Be kind to one another, be grateful for everything you’ve got, and make each and every day the day that you want it to be!

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