
Show Notes

From Conflict to Convergence - a Book Discussion

Friends, one of the greatest lessons I’ve learned in my journey is that when we come together with honesty, integrity and good will, we can find solutions that are better than what any one person could have come up with on their own. And if there’s anyone who embodies that belief, it’s today’s guests, Rob Fersh and Mariah Levison of Convergence!

Now, let me tell you, these two are champions of bridging divides and resolving conflicts in ways that don’t just settle for middle ground, but actually aim for higher ground—solutions that honor everyone's needs and values. Rob Fersh, the founder and senior advisor of Convergence, has been in the trenches of policy resolution for decades, working on everything from hunger in America to U.S.-Muslim relations. His leadership in organizations like the Food Research and Action Center and Search for Common Ground has literally shaped the way we tackle big issues in this country.

And then we’ve got Mariah Levison, the current CEO and President of Convergence. Mariah’s got this incredible knack for building trust and relationships across the most contentious divides. From running the Minnesota State Office of Collaboration and Dispute Resolution to teaching the next generation of mediators, she’s all about conflict resolution and creating solutions that really stick.

Together, Rob and Mariah co-authored a must-read book, *From Conflict to Convergence: Coming Together to Solve Tough Problems*. And today, they’re here to talk about how we can all get better at listening, understanding each other’s values, and finding those higher ground solutions—especially in a time when our society seems more divided than ever.

But here’s the kicker—they’re not just talking to the leaders or the policymakers; they’re even emphasizing the importance of engaging young people in this process. Because, let’s face it, the future belongs to them, and it’s crucial that they learn how to navigate these differences to build a more functional and civil society.


  • Bringing people together with honesty and integrity can lead to better solutions than any individual had at the start.
  • Listening, asking questions, and understanding each other's needs and values are essential tools for problem-solving across differences.
  • Higher ground solutions that meet the needs of all parties involved can be achieved without compromising values and principles.
  • Engaging young people and teaching them how to navigate differences is crucial for building a more functional and civil society.

Learn more about and connect with Rob Fersh & Mariah Levison online:

website: http://convergencepolicy.org/book

LinkedIn: Convergence Center for Policy Resolution

X (Twitter): @ConvergenceCtr

Facebook: @ConvergenceCtr

Instagram: @convergence.ctr

Tik Tok: @convergencectr

Rob on LinkedIn: Rob's LinkedIn

Mariah on LinkedIn: Mariah's LinkedIn


What have you done today to make your life a better life? What have you done today to make the world a better place? The world is a better place if we are better people. That begins with each of us as individuals. Be kind to one another. Be grateful for everything you’ve got. Make each and every day the day that you want it to be!

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