
Show Notes

Do you approach all of your personal interactions with Grace, Gratitude, Respect and Integrity?

What do the words grace, gratitude, respect and integrity mean to you? I make the statement every week on the DTH podcast that we cannot control everything that happens to us in life, but we can control how we react to it. This is really one of the personal accountability pieces that I refer to so often. Imagine if we all approached our personal interactions using these principles.

As written in an article in Christianity.com,  Grace is the Hebrew word chanan or the Greek word charis, meaning “the state of kindness and favor toward someone, often with a focus on a benefit given to the object.” (Strong’s Greek 5485).

Something I talk about probably more often than anything else on the DTH podcast. Gratitude is the quality of being thankful and having a readiness for showing appreciation. I often contend that you cannot be a happy person without being a grateful person.

Respect is really about treating someone with admiration and appreciation and seeing the humanity within them as a person.

Having a strong sense of integrity means you are a person who is honest and of strong moral character.

If all people were to approach their personal interactions with these 4 important principles, can you imagine how much better the world in which we live would be?

What have you done today to make your life a better life? What have you done today to make the world a better place? The world is a better place if we are better people. That begins with each of us leading a better life. Be kind to one another. Be grateful for everything you’ve got. Make each and every day the day that you want it to be!

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