
Show Notes

The End of Bias Starts with a Conversation
Have you ever stopped to think whether your unconscious thoughts contributed to bias or stereotypes? I think if we are honest, do some self-reflection, and allow for some vulnerability, we'd all say yes. I'm one that will readily say that not all bias is bad, but it's often thought of in bad context. Negative bias and unfavorable stereotyping often lead to great harm. It is for this reason, we should all do what we can to acknowledge and stamp out bias. In many cases, the end of bias starts with a conversation.
Who is Jessica Nordell?
 Jessica Nordell is an award-winning author and science writer known for blending rigorous science with compassionate humanity. Her first book, The End of Bias: A Beginning,  is the culmination of fifteen years of reporting and writing on the subject of bias and discrimination and how to solve it, for publications including the New York Times, the Atlantic, and the New Republic. The End of Bias was named a Best Book of the Year by the World Economic Forum, Greater Good, AARP, and Inc and is currently being used by organizations from newsrooms and startups to universities, healthcare organizations, and faith communities to solve some of their biggest cultural challenges.
Find and connect with Jessica by checking out the full show notes for this episode at www.DerateTheHate.com

What have you done today to make your life a better life? What have you done today to make the world a better place? The world is a better place if we are better people. That begins with each of us leading a better life. Be kind to one another. Be grateful for everything you’ve got. Make each and every day the day that you want it to be!

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