
Show Notes

A Hunger For Healing That Gives Us Hope

It may be lost on many who spend all their time navigating the toxicity of the internet ecosystem, but there is a deep hunger for civic renewal and a return to civility in public discourse. As hardworking individuals in the exhausted middle, who often feel overlooked or caught in the crossfire of partisan battles, many yearn for a political landscape that prioritizes practical solutions over ideological grandstanding. Our concerns lie in the everyday struggles of making ends meet, and we recognize the importance of respectful dialogue in finding common ground to address pressing issues. We are tired of the constant bickering and divisiveness that seem to overshadow the real problems facing our communities. Why do people like me and this week’s guest, Brian Allain, do what we do within the depolarization movement? Among many reasons is that a hunger for healing gives us hope.

Who is Brian Allain?

Brian Allain founded Writing for Your Life, a resource center and conferences for spiritual writers, and the Publishing in Color conference series, intended to increase the number of books published by spiritual writers of color. Brian also founded Compassionate Christianity and How to Heal Our Divides. Previously Brian served as Founding Director of the Frederick Buechner Center where he led the launch of Mr. Buechner’s online presence and established several new programs and strategic partnerships. Brian has developed and led spiritual writers' conferences at Princeton Theological Seminary, Drew Theological Seminary, Western Theological Seminary, the University of Southern California, Belmont University, New Brunswick Seminary, and several churches. He led the publishing effort for the book "Buechner 101: An Introduction to Frederick Buechner" in collaboration with Anne Lamott, and also the books in the How to Heal Our Divides series. Brian serves on the Board of non-profit TechFoundation and was named a 2014 Top Fundraiser by the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Along with his work in the depolarization space, Brian's latest passion is with his start-up "Find Your Next Calling".

Learn more about and connect with Brian Allain by visiting the full show notes for this episode at DerateTheHate.com.

What have you done today to make your life a better life? What have you done today to make the world a better place? The world is a better place if we are better people. That begins with each of us leading a better life. Be kind to one another. Be grateful for everything you’ve got. Make each and every day the day that you want it to be!

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