
Show Notes

Welcome back my friends to the Derate The Hate podcast. Wilk here from WilksWorld.com and this week's topic may be a little more controversial than normal but I think it's worth the discussion. In fact, I think it's worth a lot of discussion and it's something that's come up before and will surely come up again on the podcast

Those who interject race into everything are the real racists
. In recent weeks there was a fight, actually a preliminary fight to the Mike Tyson/Roy Jones Jr. fight where vlogger turned fighter, Jake Paul fought and knocked out Nate Robinson. I have no idea who either one of these guys are but know that Jake Paul is a white guy and Nate Robinson is black.

The only reason I know who Jamele Hill is  is because of some of the vile and hateful, flat out racist things she has said in the past. With that said, in an interview that she did with Jake Paul after the fight, she asked Paul if knocking out Nate Robinson was a racist move? Again, those who interject race into everything are the real racists. Check out the show and let me know your feedback!

This week's feel good story comes to us from Gulf Breeze, Fl where a small businessman Michael Esmond, owner of Gulf Breeze Pools and Spas has made a big difference for a lot of families this holiday season. In fact, 114 families are no longer in jeopardy of having the lights turned off this Christmas  due to Mr. Esmond's generosity. I love hearing about ordinary people doing extraordinary things and this story is no exception. Check out this weeks podcast to hear more or read about it here.

 As I do every week, I ask you, “what have you done today to make your life a better life?, what have you done today to make the world a better place?” The world is a better place if we are better people, and that begins with each of us leading a better life. Be kind to one another, be grateful for everything you’ve got, and make each and every day the day that you want it to be!

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