
Show Notes

One of the greatest privileges we can be granted in life is the gift of having children, the gift of being a parent. Our mission statement at the Derate the Hate podcast has always been "Bettering the World, One Attitude at a Time". This is, and always will be my mission with this podcast. As such, I believe it is vitally important that we as those who have been privileged enough to be parents produce good people for the world we live in.

There are many things we can teach our children, lessons we can pass on in effort to make them better people. There are 10 lessons that I have learned, many the hard way, but 10 lessons that I will pass on to my children that I know will make them better people and in turn make the world a better place.

As I've spoke about many times in this podcast, and will most definitely continue to do so, I start with Gratitude being key to being a good and happy person. These 10 lessons that I will pass on to my children can be broken down in many ways to include gratitude, love, kindness, helpfulness, humility, pride and wisdom. These are 10 lessons that I am certain, if taught to all children, would make the world a better place. If you'd like a copy of these 10 lessons I will pass on to my children, contact me in any number of ways on social media or my email wilk@wilksworld.com.

This week's feel good story is more about an organization that started out of tragedy. This week's story is about a youngster out of Texas who's dream was to spread kindness in any way he could. Young Elijah Knight had a motto, "start everything with kindness and the end will be ok". In 2018, young Elijah was tragically killed when a storm downed a tree where he was at summer camp and that tree fell on his tent.  In an effort to carry on Elijah's dream of spreading kindness, the Knight family has set up KindnessToAction.org to spread kindness in a unique way that I found uplifting and wanted to share in this week's episode.

As I do every week, I ask you, “what have you done today to make your life a better life?, what have you done today to make the world a better place?” The world is a better place if we are better people, and that begins with each of us leading a better life. Be kind to one another, be grateful for everything you’ve got, and make each and every day the day that you want it to be!

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