
Show Notes

Here at the Derate the Hate podcast, we're all about BETTERING THE WORLD ONE ATTITUDE AT A TIME. In doing so I'm always looking for inspiring and intriguing guests that are looking to do the same. I truly found a kindred spirit when I heard about and reached out to this week's guest, Rick Ornelas.

Who is Rick Ornelas?
Rick Ornelas is an author and Positive Change Expert who teaches men and women to unlock their amazing potential to create an incredible future and change the world around them. 

He’s the author of 12 Hours of Heaven; Lessons for a Better World and founder of I Spark Change, a global movement and online community of those who seek to make the world a better place one act at a time.

Rick wasn’t always interested in helping others on a global scale despite being pushed repeatedly in that direction by near-death experiences, family tragedies, and deaths. It wasn’t until the ever-worsening times of 2020 when he was laid off, quarantined, and desperate that he finally got the wake-up call.

His awakening came in the form of divine inspiration and an awe-inspiring spiritual connection when he least expected it. He went from hopeless, to writing a best-selling book in under three months while envisioning and creating an incredible future. This fulfilled the dream he had been ignoring for years: to build a community of amazing souls to spread positivity, hope, and love while creating a ripple effect throughout the world.

The I Spark Change community has grown at a phenomenal rate of over 800% in just a few months

Rick has been featured on multiple media outlets, including national & international television and radio discussing similar topics. He is a guest contributor for various websites and is a regular writer for Lifehack

His next book, 12 Hours of Heaven; Time on Earth, is due later this year.

As I do every week, I ask you, “what have you done today to make your life a better life? What have you done today to make the world a better place?” The world is a better place if we are better people, and that begins with each of us leading a better life. Be kind to one another, be grateful for everything you’ve got, and make each and every day the day that you want it to be!

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