
Show Notes

What is Self Love?
This is a question I've seen asked many times in online forums about self help but this week's guest Jonathan Troen answers it very well. Jonathan, founder of the Self Love Revolution says Self Love is learning to become your own best friend.
Have you ever found yourself equating success to happiness, but you're successful and not happy? Jonathan was there. Have you found that while you keep changing this or that about your life, location, or job, but still aren't happy? What's the common denominator? YOU!

Who is Jonathan Troen?
Jonathan Troen is a Life Mastery Coach and Self Love Mentor. He is also the co-founder of Austin Yoga Tree and serves on the Board of Directors for Perfectly Here.
His mission:
To help people find the joy inside of themselves.
Jonathan spent 20+ years in the music and entertainment business. He was living the life of his dreams, interviewing the biggest stars in the world, except he wasn't very happy. He couldn't figure why.
He began a mission to find the answer. His studies brought him to one conclusion: most of us are mean to ourselves, and all we really want is to be loved. We think we are not enough, and believe if we work hard enough, we will be enough, and then we can be happy and be loved...
Jonathan created the Self Love Revolution specifically to share the methodology he created after 15 years of research and practice.
Jonathan's belief: We all deserve success. We all deserve to be loved. And we all deserve to be treated kindly, especially by ourselves.

What have you done today to make your life a better life? What have you done today to make the world a better place? The world is a better place if we are better people, and that begins with each of us leading a better life. Be kind to one another, be grateful for everything you’ve got, and make each and every day the day that you want it to be!

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