
Show Notes

Welcome back my friends for Episode 6 of the Derate The Hate Podcast. Wilk here from WilksWorld.com and today I'm talking about yelling and more specifically, about the idea that yelling means you've already lost the argument.  Lot's of people talk about how yelling is ineffective and the damage that is done to the other person when it comes to yelling. Like many things I speak about, I look at the loss of control aspect of yelling and the idea that if we reach the point of yelling, we've lost self control, we've lost our ability to control our emotions and ultimately lost our ability to effectively use logic and reason to make our point. At this point it's time to walk away and let things cool down before things are said that cannot be taken back. At a time when domestic violence calls are increasing daily due to the lock downs associated with the Covid-19 crisis, this episode might be something someone needs to hear to keep calm when things are getting a bit tense. 
I also give a shout out to a family in Happy Valley, OR that went the extra mile to put flags on the graves of our brave men and women who were lost in battle, men and women who's graves at Willamette National Cemetery could not be visited this Memorial Day due to the response to the Covid-19 crisis.  That feel good story can be seen here.
Things are rough out there with the virus, the lock-downs and all the associated mental, physical and financial fallout associated with these battles.  Just remember, we cannot control what happens to us, but we have to control how we react to it.  When you can get out among each other again, be kind to one another, be grateful for everything you've got, and remember that it's up to you to make each and every day the day you want it to be.

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