
Show Notes

What is your passion? What trips your trigger and really gets you revved up? Not only have a had a series of great guests lately, guests who's passions are doing things to better the world in which we live, but over the past couple weeks I, along with my beautiful wife have participated in a couple charity motorcycle rides.

Riding motorcycle has been a passion of mine since I was a little kid. I bought my first motorcycle when I was 10 years old with money I earned on my own. Being a kid who grew up in a working poor home, this was a great accomplishment.  If you'd like, you can actually read more about that by checking out the blog post "In Memory of my Departed Father on his 57th Birthday" that I wrote several years ago. Nowadays, one of my great passions is getting to ride my Harley-Davidson with my wife, which is often limited to a couple charity rides each year. Over the past couple weeks, we have participated in 2 charity motorcycle rides that have benefited veterans charities and inspired me to do this episode.

I also talk in this episode of my days back in Florida when I first began riding in charity rides starting with the Boggy Creek Camp ride for the children.  Participating in these types of events are such a great way to combine our passions with doing good for others! We are not meant in this life to simply live, but to live fully! What better way to live fully than to get out there and combine our passions with doing good for others?

Other notable and mentioned DTH episodes:
Episode 65: Project Delta, Providing Service Dogs to Veterans In Need
Episode 57: Bringing the Veteran Dad Home
Episode 44: Faith, Family & Education: A Movement Towards a Resurrection 

What have you done today to make your life a better life? What have you done today to make the world a better place? The world is a better place if we are better people, and that begins with each of us leading a better life. Be kind to one another, be grateful for everything you’ve got, and make each and every day the day that you want it to be!

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