
Show Notes

I've recently had the idea to start doing some shorter, often random more spur of the moment types of episodes in addition to the regular weekly episode. There are many things that come to me each week that I'd like to share in hopes of engaging more with the listeners. Some of these may just be audio from a YouTube, Tik Tok or other platform, or some may just be quick recordings I do when something strikes me. They may just be me responding to emails or messages on social media. Either way, they'll likely be random and of varying lengths and topics, so watch for them and share whenever possible.

This week's episode was just based upon things I've seen, done or had on my mind over the course of this past week. Are you miserable with your life, job or maybe a relationship? Misery is a choice that only you can choose to change. I also spoke this past week to the national leadership team of Braver Angels about the We The Peoples' Forum which I'm honored to be a part of. If you have not heard of that, be sure to check out Episode 66 and my conversation with David Lapp of Braver Angels and the Working Peoples' Project.

Other Mentioned or Notable DTH Episodes:
Episode 8: Misery Loves Company
Episode 4: Smiles & Bad Moods are Contagious
Episode 49: Battling Extremism with an Alternative Narrative
Episode 48: Bridging the Divide

What have you done today to make your life a better life? What have you done today to make the world a better place? The world is a better place if we are better people, and that begins with each of us leading a better life. Be kind to one another, be grateful for everything you’ve got, and make each and every day the day that you want it to be!

Please follow The Derate The Hate podcast on Facebook, MeWe, Instagram, Twitter . Subscribe to us wherever you enjoy your audio. Please leave us a rating and feedback. Send me a message on any media platform or subscribe directly from our sites. Let us know about someone you think should be on our podcast, and if we book them for a conversation, I’ll send you a free gift! Not on social media? You can share your thoughts directly with me at wilk@wilksworld.com

I look forward to hearing from you!

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