
Show Notes

You're cruising down the highway, passing those in the right lane who obviously don't have anywhere to go that is quite as important as your time or where you're headed, and it happens...  Everything was going just as you had hoped and then you come upon that person in the left lane that is creeping along at the speed limit. At first you think, "they'll see me if I just get a bit closer", then a minute or two passes, your face starts to get a little hot, then someone passes you on the right, you've got no room to get over, you swear under your breath, things in my car are escalating and I'm the only one here, what's wrong with them, AAAHHHH!!!

I've been in the transportation industry for 22 years. Many of those years I've spent living on the road as a driver, and the last several managing multiple drivers. If I haven't seen it, I've heard about it, and a lot of times, the IT is not good. In recent years, the nonsense we see on the roads as drivers, whether professional or not, has been getting worse. These several months since the pandemic began have compounded the problem with higher tensions, increased drug & alcohol use, and people losing their minds in general. 

In this episode I share some recent experiences that have happened as I've filled in on routes in the big rig. I talk about personal accountability, some statistics, and tips to keep yourself and your loved ones safer on the road. Make sure to thank a trucker today, for they are the ones that keep food on the table and goods of all kinds moving across our great nation.

What have you done today to make your life a better life? What have you done today to make the world a better place? The world is a better place if we are better people, and that begins with each of us leading a better life. Be kind to one another, be grateful for everything you’ve got, and make each and every day the day that you want it to be!

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