
Show Notes

Our country has been faced with, and is still facing extraordinary and unprecedented times in so many ways. Not only have we been plagued by a pandemic that is contributing to the loss of many of our friends and neighbors, but our government's reaction to the pandemic is taking an incredible toll of it's own. With so many lives and livelihoods decimated by lock-downs, mandates  and the resulting loss of businesses and destruction of the economy, one of many unintended consequences is the number of people who have relapsed into the black hole of depression and addiction.

This week's guest on the Derate the Hate podcast is no stranger to addiction and all the troubles that come along with it. Scott H. Silverman is an expert crisis coach and family navigator, encouraging families and individuals to move forward on the road to recovery. Scott has been featured on multiple news and media outlets for his expertise about addiction and recovery. He is an author, an interventionist and a fellow podcaster.

Scott knows what addiction and hopelessness are about because he’s been there. Scott has spent nearly 4 decades in recovery. It was during a business trip more than 35 years ago, Scott was on the edge, or literally a ledge. Struggling from addiction, considering suicide, and feeling like things were unraveling, he was at rock bottom. The day after trying to kill himself, he flew home and immediately entered treatment. he lived the embarrassment, fear, and helplessness surrounding addiction. But most importantly, he has come out the other side whole.

Today, Scott is the CEO and leads the team at Confidential Recovery, an intensive outpatient substance abuse recovery program based in San Diego, California.

Do not miss this great conversation where Scott and I discuss addiction relapses in the age of Covid. We dive in to how humans are social creatures who need social interaction, the stigma of asking for help, and so many other destructive features of drug  & alcohol addiction, fentanyl overdoses and the opioid crisis that is facing our nation.

What have you done today to make your life a better life? What have you done today to make the world a better place? The world is a better place if we are better people, and that begins with each of us leading a better life. Be kind to one another, be grateful for everything you’ve got, and make each and every day the day that you want it to be!

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