
Show Notes

Have you ever stopped to really think about what the root cause of racism is? Politicians at every level, and those in the media, now more than ever before, speak in platitudes about race, finding new ways to interject race and racism into every story and topic, but do you ever hear them present real solutions that speak to the root cause of racism? The answer, in most cases, is probably NO. 

When I was a child, a young man, and even to this day, I find great passion in befriending and just listening to the stories of, and finding wisdom in, those older and more seasoned in the ways of the world than me. Whether it was listening to my parents and their friends talking about growing up in our little mid-western towns, the widow on my paper route who had long since lost her husband and had few visitors, or the old man at the end of the bar that ran out of people to talk to, I loved it all and still do.  

Doing the Derate the Hate podcast affords me opportunities to meet and speak with people that I may never otherwise encounter. For this I could not be more grateful. When I get the opportunity to speak with a true legend like Daryl Davis, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. If you do not know who Daryl Davis is, you need to stop what you’re doing and listen to every word he says in this incredible conversation. Daryl Davis is what many would call a superhero in the ranks of race relations. Do you want to know what a man who’s devoted a large portion of his adult life to converting white supremacists says the root cause of racism is? Don’t miss this conversation… 

That’s right, Daryl Davis, a black man that has gone right to the source of Hate, having sat face to face with members of the American Nazi party, the KKK and many other organizations of HATE, joins me in this week’s episode of the Derate the Hate podcast. How did Daryl Davis play an instrumental role in rehabilitating upwards of 200 KKK members, leading them to a life of peace and civility rather than Hate? Don’t miss this conversation…

What have you done today to make your life a better life? What have you done today to make the world a better place? The world is a better place if we are better people, and that begins with each of us leading a better life. Be kind to one another, be grateful for everything you’ve got, and make each and every day the day that you want it to be!

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