
Show Notes

Should we fear AI, or use this tool to live in a better way?
It is often those things that we know the least about that we fear the most. There has been a lot circulating in the news and political circles in recent weeks and months about “slowing the progression” of artificial intelligence technology. Is this the correct response? Are we even asking the right questions? It is a general tendency for us as humans to fear that which we don’t understand. This is not only true with people who differ from us, but history has proven time and time again that new innovations often meet with great resistance. Could it be that there are some looking to capitalize on others’ hesitation to embrace such innovations? My guest this week believes that AI presents “the biggest opportunities of our generation”. What if we could experience personal and professional, exponential growth backed by science and artificial intelligence? Should we fear AI, or use this tool to live in a better way?

Who is Manuj Aggarwal?
How does someone go from making just $2 working 12 hours a day in a factory to speaking in the boardrooms of Fortune 500 companies? This conversation is not just about AI, but also one of personal triumph over incredible adversity.

Manuj Aggarwal is now a global thought leader after 15 years in the world of, and developing 4 patents in artificial intelligence. Manuj has served clients like Microsoft, IBM, Pearson Education, and many others, producing for them more than $500 million in value.

Listen as Manuj shares with me how he went from being a troubled, often aloof and angry teenager working for a $2/day salary in a factory in India, to an innovator whose projects have impacted the lives of more than 10 million people.

To learn more about and connect with Manuj Aggarwal online, please check out the full show notes for this episode at DerateTheHate.com.

What have you done today to make your life a better life? What have you done today to make the world a better place? The world is a better place if we are better people. That begins with each of us leading a better life. Be kind to one another. Be grateful for everything you’ve got. Make each and every day the day that you want it to be!

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