
Show Notes

Friends, what is Freedom if you don't take the time to enjoy it? In the past week it became very apparent to me that I've been neglecting one of the greatest gifts that I have been blessed to receive. That is freedom. As we, my wife and I, were preparing for an upcoming camping trip, I realized how little we do for fun these days. This became evident when I saw an unopened gift my wife had given me for my birthday last year.

It took a reality check for me personally this week to ask myself the question, what is freedom if I'm not taking the time to enjoy it? With that said, I am going to be taking some time off in the coming weeks. I will be pulling from the DTH archives some of the great conversations I've done thus far for your listening pleasure.

In light of the Islamist militant terrorist attack carried out at a hotel in Mogadishu by Al-Shabaab this past week, I am replaying my first conversation with my friend "Average Mohamed" where we talked about "Battling Extremism with an Alternative Narrative"
Please listen and share this timeless and important message with your network of friends. 

What have you done today to make your life a better life? What have you done today to make the world a better place? The world is a better place if we are better people, and that begins with each of us leading a better life. Be kind to one another, be grateful for everything you’ve got, and make each and every day the day that you want it to be!

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